A downloadable AWESOME, AMAZING GAME for Windows

This is my first multiplayer game you can shoot people. but some things are a bit glitchy.


Multiplayer Shooter Game (v1.0) 14 MB

Install instructions

How to Install

1. Click Download at the bottom of the page.

2. Drag Multiplayer Game.zip from the downloads bar in the browser to your desktop.

3. Open Multiplayer Game.zip and then in the file explorer window that opened click Extract all at the top of the window.

4. Another window should pop up. Put in the Directory that you want the game to be at and click Extract.

How to play

1. Open the Multiplayer Game folder (not the .zip one) and open the test.exe file to start the launcher.

2. On the launcher there are options to change the resolution, graphics and monitor. there is also a windowed option.

3. Once your ready click play.

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